Friday, January 9, 2015


What actually breaks you?

Usually fear. Fear of losing and let go. Everyone must have felt it. Why do we do that exactly?

Sedangkan kita tahu semuanya tidak kekal? Dan yang kekal itu cuma Tuhanmu. Memang lah lumrah manusia kita berharap pada hati manusia. Tapi kita juga dikurniakan akal fikiran. Dan sebagai muslim, ada cara untuk kita tangani kegusaran hati. Dan Allah janji, setiap dugaan yang datang itu kita mampu tangani. Jadi kenapa bersedih berlebih lebih? Kalau lupa, maafkan diri sendiri tu. Sabar, ingatlah kalau bukan rezeki kita yang tu, ada yang lain. Tapi kalau itu lah kita punya, itulah kita punya.

So, what actually breaks you?

Most would say losing the people they love the most in life. So you have loved. Whose is it that you love? Whose? Is he yours? No. So get over it. Get back on your feet. If you lose them by death, they dont need to be dead to you. Let them be alive in your hearts for hearts are the place to nurture who you are. Choose wisely of who comes in and goes out.

So do you really break?

I dont think so.