Monday, January 12, 2015


How do I do this? Hmm. Let me start with bismillah..

I know a long time ago about love and everything it teaches the human being. How illogical a person can be for that someone they want as their soulmate. And yes, sesungguhnya manusia itu diciptakan berpasang-pasangan. And i have absolutely no power to detest that. But i was wondering how can a person like me which i dont even think i know can be infecting anyone at all with love. I am well-known as a heartless prick who would only find love with a man is rather a waste of money, time and energy. But little that i know...

Be my bestfriend as always and we'll see how it goes from there. Because i have this childish fantasy of mine that i would love to have one bestfriend to keep until the day i die. Because with bestfriends, i dont need make ups, high heels, and pretty rosmah covers. I dont have to cover my ugly laugh, juling eyes and weird expressions I'd just be me whom i love the most in my life haha.

If i would choose you to spend the rest of my life and my akhirah with, its because of one reason. Your faith to Allah Taa'la. So do take care of that and remind me to take care of mine. The devil sure knows ways to make use of feelings and emotions; enough to make Adam and Eve be dispelled from heaven.

I hate uncertainties. I am so afraid of it i might runaway.
But do remember the second time you said love, i said okay.

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