Thursday, April 28, 2011

sudah, cukuplah tu.

tiap kali nampak gamba tak bermoral je yg kuar pasal kau,
mesti kau akan explain kat aku that the gambar was actually this and that, and thats the 1st time ever,
before diz tak pernah pakai camtu, thats the wardrobe style in your area.
dear, have you ever asked yourself why would you tell me whattaf you're wearing?
i could see it from the pics, tho. dont have to explain it. but,
you did that cuz you know its wrong to do those stuff,, kaan?
dont tell me afterwards that you're gonna be a party animal, we're finishing school. things happen.
i know it's hard out there. try to remember who you were and im confident that you'll find your way back.
and i know you do miss that YOU in you, sayangs. its getting dark, come home before it rains, okayy. love you till bits. take care, n im always there. we pray for OUR SPM, okeh?

not like this.

but this way, sweetheart.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

kelu mengeluh,, kenapa jumpa sekarang?

skarang musim exam. baru lepas selaras 2.
genap sebulan lagi, exam semester. saketnya kepala ini. aduhaii.
tak tahu nape asyik rindu terlebeyh lebeyh kat mak and babah and harith gemok and zhafran and nana gemok and baby's collective items and my orthorest katil and all.
nak kata homesick, tak jugak,, malas gak nak balik nnt study melayaaanng tah manemane.
tapi stressing sangat.. SPM x susah.
that 3 words hanging in my head feels like a challenge that is screwing me inside of it and says, you cant get out unless you drop out things that are comforting you now.
jangan manjakan diri sangat.
hmm iyalah, jgn manjakan diri sangat... dera diri sendiri
iya dera sampai 9A+ tu milik kau.

smalam outing, jumpa org yg dah lame x jumpa. tak pernah terfikir nk jumpa pon. lagi mengusutkan kepala hotak aku bila nak tegur tapi tak nak tegur. tak boleh ke? pandang aku cam aku wat salah plak pehal?
ke mmg salah? ,tak boleh eh? aku tanya nih, tak boleh eh.?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

nangis nangis gelak gelak senyuum VEACE VII

kali ni, live from the imac centre of MJSC LANGKAWI.
nak kata seronok tak seronoknye maktab ku ini, ada satu lab, APPLE I MAC.

skarang, aku tgh menghadapi satu penyakit yang paling dibenci seluruh jiwa dan ragaku.....
kesedihan melampau lampau dowh..
kenapa mesti begini??

sbenarnya terlalu banyak cerita nak share ngn satu dunia siber nih.
semalam makan terlalu banyak bersama madam ZEE.. very much delighted with it.
eventhough cafe yang masak kaaan..

semalam jugak, rummate kesayangan jiwa dan ragaku kena pergi rumah saket,
tangannya terkehel, ligamennya PUTUS doh,, hazimah, i'll be there, okay.
padan muka,, nak pergi SUPER tak nak ajak aku,, <JELES>
aku nak pergi snagta sangat...
tapi nak wat camne, sapa cepat and hebat dia dapat,
stakat hebat cam aku tapi tak cepat2 amik pluang, nganga lah wei!

ape ape pon, year focus thun ini adalah my beloved most incredible SPM, tol?
batch unity and all the blessings from all.
kawan kawan sayang sayangss semua..
and on the top of all my never lasting love towards mak babah and seluruh isi rumah BIOLOGIku.
zhafran sudah makin mju macam slalu.
tak sabar nak bawak dye jln jln.

call bewa lah lps ni, camne lah busukbusuk harith tu kaan,
kakak, i miss you lah honey... mak miss you,mak miss me too.
ari tu kaan, mak anta mesej,

i miss you darling, call mak ehh.

bapak terkejot seluruh jiwa dan raga...
mmg rindu sungguh lah tu..
okay, mak bln 4 adk blek iyer.. dun care nak blk jugak!
my baby needs me, okay.
daaa. sini dulu eh ..
